New workshops for the year 2011-12

Click here to see new workshops proposals for the year 2011-12.
Initiatives for different age ranges: from primary to secondary school (8 - 18 years).

Workshops in school and extra-school hours, from this year made in the Association seat.

Visit forum to know the calendar.


FROM OCTOBER 2011 will be available a new spacious rehersal room in the Association's seat for bands, acoustic groups and choirs.

Informations and booking: 055 8367266

Sunday, March 6 - 13 - 20 - 27, 2011

Giardino di Archimede. Un museo per la matematica - Florence

Every Sunday of march two performances of the interactive show "PER UNA VOLTA.... La musimatica delle tabelline" : 4.00 and 5.00 p.m. at Il Giardino di Archimede. Un museo per la matematica in Florence. With the show comes a guided visit of the museum. We inform that booking is open for primary school children (especially of classes 2° and 3°), their families and teachers interested.
The initiative it's been presented by RAI SAT / RAI YoYo in the programme "E' Domenica, papà" on Friday March 4th 2011.

Informations and booking 055 7879594 or

PER UNA VOLTA... La musimatica delle tabelline on RAI SAT

RAI YoYo - March 4 2011

Presentation of the show in the programme        "E' Domenica, papà"
- at 8.00 / 11.00 a.m. - 5.40 p.m.


Uploaded on YouTube the new videos of

You can watch them on



PER UNA VOLTA... La musimatica delle tabelline

The aim of the workshop is the setting of a musical show by teaching singing, choreographies, acting.
- The workshop’s centre is to be defined.
- The show will be performed in a theatre on a date to be defined.
- The project is dedicated to children of the age of 7 to 9.
- To be realized it will be necessary the minimum number of 30 children.


SENTI, SENTI!... La musimatica delle cose
Workshop about the sound

Studied for primary school children the workshop will be ready in 2011...

Every thing which surrounds us in the everyday life, we learnt to know it.
His detection runs mainly through the sense of sight, referring to shape and colour. The sense of touch too may help or be sufficient to identify a thing, as well as sense of smell or taste talking about food.
And the sense of hearing?...


September 2011
"Le Chiavi della Città" - Florence

Reconfirmed this year the workshops of the project "PER UNA VOLTA... La musimatica delle tabelline" among the proposals for the school made by the Commune of Florence in the publication "Le Chiavi della Città".

pag. 206-7

June 9, 2011
6.00 p.m.
Primary School Mercatale Valdarno

Show of the short workshop "PER UNA VOLTA... La musimatica delle tabelline" with 3rd and 4th degrees.
Conductors Luciano Guarino and Diana Crepaz.

March 29, 2011
3.00 p.m.
Primary School San Giustino Valdarno

Show of the short workshop "PER UNA VOLTA... La musimatica delle tabelline" .
Conductors Luciano Guarino and Diana Crepaz.

Sunday, March 6 - 13 - 20 - 27, 2011
Giardino di Archimede. Un museo per la matematica - Florence

Every Sunday of march two performances of the interactive show "PER UNA VOLTA.... La musimatica delle tabelline" : 4.00 e 5.00 p.m. at Il Giardino di Archimede. Un museo per la matematica in Florence. With the show comes a guided visit of the museum. We inform that booking is open for primary school children (especially of classes 2° and 3°), their families and teachers interested.
The initiative will be presented by RAI SAT / RAI YoYo in the programme "E' Domenica, papà" on Friday March 4th 2011 at 8.00 / 11.00 a.m. - 5.40 p.m.

Informations and booking 055 7879594 or

January 14, 2011
3.00 p.m.
Theatre Benci, Via Bernardina , Livorno

Show of the short workshop made by the children of the primary school Bini.
Conductors Luciano Guarino and Diana Crepaz.

December 22, 2010
5.00 p.m.
Theatre S. Teresa d'Avila, S. Giovanni Valdarno

Show of the short workshop made by the classes of the primary school of Doccio.
Conductors Luciano Guarino and Diana Crepaz.

December 22, 2010
10.00 a.m.
Primary school Galilei, Florence

Show of the short workshop made by the 2nd and 3rd classes of the school.
Conductors Luciano Guarino and Diana Crepaz.

Friday, July 2nd, 2010
Venezia Camp 2010 - Festival dell'Innovazione Digitale
Venice - Venice Arsenal
"La Scuola Che Funziona" Bar Camp

Presentation at Venezia Camp 2010 of the project "PER UNA VOLTA... La musimatica delle tabelline" among the proposals of the network La Scuola Che Funziona.
Conductors Luciano Guarino and Diana Crepaz.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 15.30
Aula Magna del Liceo Scientifico G.D. Cassini di Genova

Via Galata, 34 C
tel.010580686 - fax 010541549

The National Agency for the Development of Scholastic Autonomy - Regional Nucleus - former Irre Liguria - promotes the presentation of the project "PER UNA VOLTA... La musimatica delle tabelline", directed primarily to managers of primary school, teachers and referents for the disciplines of Mathematics, Music, Italian, Language 2, Support, and teachers involved in learning processes with foreign students.

Are invited as speakers and authors Luciano Guarino and Diana Crepaz.