

The show is studied for children of the age of 6 to 9.
It lasts about 1 hour and it’s a live performance of the songs on the multiplication tables by the authors of the record-book. Every song performed involves the children with their direct participation. The show is performed in a theatre or in other suitable place.
All the necessary furniture for the show is supplied by the association (instruments, loudspeakers, posters).

Participants:             2 classes.
Centre of the show:  theatre of the school or other suitable place
                              Giardino di Archimede

Participants:             minimum number of 12
Site of the event:     Association's seat, library
Schedule:                in the Association's seat: every 2 weeks,                               by booking;  - CALENDAR -
                              in library: to be defined


N. 6 LESSONS of 1 hour each.
The workshop is studied for 30/40 children of the age of 7 to 9 and is conducted by 2 teachers. In the first 5 lessons all the songs on the multiplication tables are taught to the children.
They will learn solo, choral and acted parts. This will help the children to be involved in the repertoire. The workshop is taken in a suitable place to gather the children.
All the necessary furniture for the show is supplied by the association (instruments, loudspeakers, posters).
The final lesson is a show and it is open to parents or other children. The show is performed in a theatre or in other suitable place.

Participants            : 2 classes
Centre of the show : theatre of the school or other suitable place
Hours                     : once a week in a time to be agreed with the teachers.

Participants:             minimum number of 12
Site of the event:     Association's seat, library
Schedule:                in the Association's seat: once monthly, by booking;
                                  - CALENDAR -
                              in library: to be defined



Extra –School Workshop

The aim of the workshop is the setting of a musical show by teaching singing, choreographies and acting.
The workshop’s characteristic is to embrace different contents: language, mathematics, music, acting, physical expression.
The project is dedicated to children of the age of 7 to 9. It is studied for a minimum number of 30 children to be divided in 2 parallel courses.
The workshop’s duration is 5 months, with one lesson per week.
The workshop is divided in two parts.
The first part is dedicated to the teaching of all the songs to every participant.
In the second part the children are prepared for solo and acting voices. The choir is formed and choreographies are taught.
The show lasts about 1 hour.
The musical uses the original soundtracks of the record.

In each course 2 teachers will be engaged for:

# 14 lessons of 1 hour each,
# 1 first general rehearsal of 5 hours,
# 1 final meeting of 4 hours comprehending dress rehearsal and show.

Centre of the workshop : to be defined
In case of interest from a school specific agreements are to be made.




Workshops for the year 2011-12:

                                   workshop about the sound

Every thing which surrounds us in the everyday life, we learnt to know it.
His detection runs mainly through the sense of sight, referring to shape and colour. The sense of touch too may help or be sufficient to identify a thing, as well as sense of smell or taste talking about food.
And the sense of hearing?
During the day the sense of hearing is like asleep, it submits to other senses. And also during the day we are continuously bombed by noises and sounds melting between them. We are so tolerant that we don’t realize them anymore. The buzzing of air-conditioners, of refrigerators, of computers, of running engines is everywhere as well as the humming of people and the ringing of telephones.
In addition to this there’s omnipresent background music. We hear without listening to this sonorous hotchpotch.
But as the night comes our hearing awakes...


       Jazz choir workshop

An extremely rich in musical and linguistic hints the repertoire formed by the italian swing song of the thirties and the forties.
The years of the big swing orchestras which as in United States as in Italy marked the beginning of the long story of jazz. The years of musicians like Pippo Barzizza, Natalino Otto, Gorny Kramer who tried to introduce into Italy the innovative music from overseas, despite the censorship of that time, but proposing it in an Italianized version.
A music which more or less consciously has influenced the subsequent musical taste and laid the foundations for a provocative and unconventional style of song.
The arrangements for vocal ensemble, all original, are varied accordingly with the age range and provide parts for two, three, four voices...


               Workshop about musical genres

Let's take a song, let's study it in it's structure, let's discover it's musical genre...
And then let's discover the possibility of take it apart and rebuilt it following musical genres which take us from country to country, from a culture to another, from a feeling to another one...